How to Reduce your risk of Breast Cancer


How to Reduce your risk of Breast Cancer 


The health issue that i am talking about today is breast cancer and how to reduce the risk of getting diagnosed with it. In the auto I share that its not necessarily  preventable but there are certain things you can change in your lifestyle that will help reduce the risk of you getting breast cancer.  The at-risk population is mostly women as they are the gender that is mostly affected by this type of cancer. The action is to have women start getting routine checkups with their health care provider, noticing any unusual changes in their body, having a healthy diet and getting a good amount of exercise. 

In the theory of planned behavior there are various components that can be related to this topic but i chose to mostly talk about the perceived behavioral controls.

I chose to talk about this specific component because I think its important to understand the persons ability to perform a behavior and by taking action you can help lower the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer or by helping catch it early enough where you can get treatment to help save your life.  I also would like to touch on the attitudes component because by having a negative mindset or not caring could affect your health as you may not get regular checkups or take care of your body which may result in it being too late when you do get a diagnosis. 

This message can help other woman of all ages realize the importance of taking care of your body and how important it is to see your health care provider  to help reduce your risk of getting breast cancer. 


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