75 Soft Challenge


75 Soft Challenge 


The 75 soft challenge is a challenge that is similar to the 75 hard challenge but more practical for people who are busy with their everyday lives. In the video the audio talks about the rules for the challenge: eat well, only drink on social occasions, train for 45 minutes a day with 1 recovery day a week, drink 3 liters of water a day and read 10 pages of any book. 

Social Marketing is used to help change someones behavior  or activities to benefit others or society as a whole. There are 4 P's within the social marketing mix; product, price, place and promotion. Product is the item or service that you are promoting. Price is the pros and cons of the item or service. Place is where (or when) the consumer will make use of the item or service. Promotion is how you will keep informing the consumer of the item or service that you are trying to 'sell'. 

The video touched on some of the 4 P's such as place and promotion but didn't specifically talk about product or price. In the video the creator talked about  how this challenge can fit right into your daily schedule and isn't talking more than an hour out of your day, which touches on the place aspect. You can do this challenge wherever and whenever you want as long as your consistent. He also touched on promotion as he is taking all of his followers along for every day of the challenge to help influence other to start the challenge themselves. The creator didn't talk about the product that he was promoting but i think most viewers see it has a challenge to make yourself healthier by working out and reducing drinking you are pushing yourself to be a healthier version of yourself. The same applies to the price aspect where the creator didn't mention anything about the pros or cons of doing this challenge. 

I think the video was a great inspiration to others who are beginners when it comes to challenges and don't want to go overboard or have time to do 75 soft challenge. It adds on roughly an hour to your every day lifestyle and isn't asking you to make any drastic changes. 

I wouldn't change very much about this video but if i did i would maybe add some pros and cons to doing that to grab the viewers attention and inspire them to take apart of the challenge. I would also add a link or something to give the people who want to try it some food ideas as it may be hard for the viewer to think of healthier meals. 



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